

Discovering why people believe disinformation about healthcare

Disinformation–false information intended to cause harm or for profit–is pervasive. While disinformation exists in several domains, one area with great potential for personal harm from disinformation is healthcare. The amount of disinformation about health issues on social media has grown dramatically over the past several years, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The s...
2 weeks ago


Network analysis of trait aggression among community youths and juvenile offenders

Abstract Objective The mainstream view in trait aggression research has regarded the structure as representing the latent cause of the cognitions, emotions, and behaviors that supposedly reflect its nature. Under network perspective, trait aggression is not a latent cause of its features but a dynam...
1 month ago

Social Science

Determinants of Motivation to Work in Terms of Industry 4.0—The Gen Z Perspective

The mentality of Generation Z differs markedly from the approach to social and economic issues presented by earlier generations. These young people have had access to the internet and other innovative technologies since birth. A tape recorder or a floppy disk is a museum exhibit for them. They are unfamiliar with the everyday problems that citizens of Central and Eastern Europe faced during the so...
2 months ago


Exploring factors in fear of COVID-19 and its GIS-based nationwide distribution: the case of Bangladesh

"BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health threat of international concern, intensifying peoples' psychological risk and vulnerability by strengthening mental health stressors such as fear, panic and uncertainty. The unexpected fear of COVID-19 has been reported to be associated with suicide occurrences, similar to prior pandemics. AIMS: Identifying the factors associated with fear of ...
2 years ago


Addressing privacy concerns for mobile and wearable devices sensors: Small-group interviews with healthy adults and cancer survivors

Objective: Mobile and wearable sensor technology is increasingly common and accessible. The aim of this study was to explore individuals' perceptions and acceptability of mobile and wearable sensors, as well as concerns. Methods: Purposive sampling was used to recruit non-patient adults (n = 22) and cancer survivors (n = 17) for face-to- face and virtual small-group interviews. Reflexive themat...
2 years ago


UK women smokers' experiences of an age-progression smoking cessation intervention: Thematic analysis of accounts

Objectives Appearance-related interventions to promote healthy behaviour have been found effective to communicate health risks. The current study aimed to explore women smokers' experiences of age-progression software showing the effects of smoking on the face. Methods A qualitative design was implemented, utilizing both individual interviews and focus groups within a critical realist framework. F...
2 years ago

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