
Relationship among muscle strength, muscle endurance, and skeletal muscle oxygenation dynamics during ramp incremental cycle exercise

Peak oxygen uptake (VO2), evaluated as exercise tolerance, is a strong predictor of life prognosis regardless of health condition. Several previous studies have reported that peak VO2 is higher in those with a greater decrease in muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) in the active muscles during incremental exercise. However, the skeletal muscle characteristics of individuals exhibiting a greater decrea...
1 month ago

Influence of an Inspiratory Muscle Fatigue Protocol on Older Adults on Respiratory Muscle Strength, Muscle Oxygen Saturation, and Functional Capacity. A randomized controlled trial

Background The fatigue of the inspiratory musculature, particularly the diaphragm, has been demonstrated to exert systemic effects on the body, impacting cardiovascular and performance outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of an inspiratory muscle fatigue protocol on respiratory muscle strength, functionality, and muscle oxygen saturation in older adults. Methods A double-blinded...
1 month ago

Oropharyngeal microbiome composition as a possible diagnostic marker for true psychosis in a forensic psychiatric setting: A narrative literature review and an opinion

The malingered psychosis has increasingly occurred over the past few years due to the tendency towards care in the community and the closures of long-stay psychiatric institutions. Thus, it is required to identify malingered psychosis to reach accurate forensic assessments and inhibit misuse of restricted healthcare resources and miscarriages of justice. Despite the fact that some practical psycho...
1 year ago

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