
Gene sequence analysis model construction based on k-mer statistics

  Peer Reviewed


With the rapid development of biotechnology, gene sequencing methods are gradually improved. The structure of gene sequences is also more complex. However, the traditional sequence alignment method is difficult to deal with the complex gene sequence alignment work. In order to improve the efficiency of gene sequence analysis, D2 series method of k-mer statistics is selected to build the model of gene sequence alignment analysis. According to the structure of the foreground sequence, the sequence to be aligned can be cut by different lengths and divided into multiple subsequences. Finally, according to the selected subsequences, the maximum dissimilarity in the alignment results is determined as the statistical result. At the same time, the research also designed an application system for the sequence alignment analysis of the model. The experimental results showed that the statistical power of the sequence alignment analysis model was directly proportional to the sequence coverage and cutting length, and inversely proportional to the K value and module length. At the same time, the model was applied to the system designed in this paper. The maximum storage capacity of the system was 71 GB, the maximum disk capacity was 135 GB, and the running time was less than 2.0s. Therefore, the k-mer statistic sequence alignment model and system proposed in this study have considerable application value in gene alignment analysis.

Key Questions

1. What is the primary objective of the study?

The study aims to develop a gene sequence alignment analysis model utilizing k-mer statistics to improve the efficiency of gene sequence analysis.

2. What methodology was employed in the research?

The research employs the D₂ series method of k-mer statistics to construct a sequence alignment analysis model. The model segments the gene sequence into subsequences of varying lengths and determines the maximum dissimilarity in the alignment results as the statistical outcome. An application system was also designed to implement this model for sequence alignment analysis.

3. What were the main findings of the study?

The study found that the statistical power of the sequence alignment analysis model is directly proportional to the sequence coverage and cutting length, and inversely proportional to the k value and module length. The designed system demonstrated a maximum storage capacity of 71 GB, a maximum disk capacity of 135 GB, and a running time of less than 2.0 seconds. These results indicate that the k-mer statistic sequence alignment model and system have significant application value in gene alignment analysis.


Dongjie Gao (2024) developed a gene sequence alignment analysis model based on k-mer statistics to enhance the efficiency of gene sequence analysis. The study demonstrated that the statistical power of the model is influenced by factors such as sequence coverage, cutting length, k value, and module length. The accompanying application system exhibited substantial storage capacity and rapid processing time, underscoring the practical applicability of the proposed model in gene alignment analysis.