

Synaptic plasticity through a naturalistic lens

From the myriad of studies on neuronal plasticity, investigating its underlying molecular mechanisms up to its behavioral relevance, a very complex landscape has emerged. Recent efforts have been achieved toward more naturalistic investigations as an attempt to better capture the synaptic plasticity underpinning of learning and memory, which has been fostered by the development of in vivo electrop...
1 month ago


Optical Quantal Analysis

1 month ago


Retromer in Synaptic Function and Pathology

1 month ago


Modeling Neurological Diseases With Human Brain Organoids

1 month ago


Gait and Cognitive Declines in Dementia—Double or Nothing

1 month ago


Effects of Electroacupuncture for Depression-Related Insomnia

1 month ago


Neural flip-flops I: Short-term memory

The networks proposed here show how neurons can be connected to form flip-flops, the basic building blocks in sequential logic systems. The novel neural flip-flops (NFFs) are explicit, dynamic, and can generate known phenomena of short-term memory. For each network design, all neurons, connections, and types of synapses are shown explicitly. The neurons’ operation depends only on explicitly stat...
2 months ago


Stochastic attractor models of visual working memory

This paper investigates models of working memory in which memory traces evolve according to stochastic attractor dynamics. These models have previously been shown to account for response-biases that are manifest across multiple trials of a visual working memory task. Here we adapt this approach by making the stable fixed points correspond to the multiple items to be remembered within a single-tria...
2 months ago


Is manual drawing of region of interest to measure fractional anisotropy a reliable method of determining white matter integrity- Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy model

In patients with Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE), more severe impairment in the ipsilateral than the contralateral hemisphere white matter tracts, including Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF), are demonstrated on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Many clinicians and researchers conclude that drawing regions of interest (ROI) in the white matter can demonstrate these asymmetries. In this ...
2 years ago

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