Karin Brigit Holthaus,
Karin Brigit Holthaus
Institution: Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Attila Placido Sachslehner,
Attila Placido Sachslehner
Institution: Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Julia Steinbinder,
Julia Steinbinder
Institution: Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Leopold Eckhart
Leopold Eckhart
Institution: Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
The epidermal differentiation complex (EDC) is a cluster of genes that code for protein components of cornified cells on the skin surface of amniotes. Squamates are the most species-rich clade of reptiles with skin adaptations to many different environments. As the genetic regulation of the skin epidermis and its evolution has been characterized for only a few species so far, we aimed to determine...
5 months ago
Patricija Banković Radovanović,
Patricija Banković Radovanović
Institution: Department of transfusion medicine, General Hospital Pula, Pula, Croatia
Tanja Živković Mikulčić,
Tanja Živković Mikulčić
Institution: Department of transfusion medicine, General Hospital Pula, Pula, Croatia
Jasmina Simović Medica
Jasmina Simović Medica
Institution: Department of transfusion medicine, General Hospital Pula, Pula, Croatia
Rejection of the sample with repeated blood withdrawal is always an unwanted consequence of sample nonconformity and preanalytical errors,
especially in the most vulnerable population – children. Here is presented a case with unexpected abnormal coagulation test results in a 2-yearold
child with no previously documented coagulation disorder. Child is planned for tympanostomy tubes removal unde...
5 months ago
Joel Lexchin
Joel Lexchin
Institution: School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
To paraphrase something that Mark Twain is alleged to have said, “Everybody talks about drug prices, but nobody does anything about them.” The last part of the paraphrase is not quite accurate, but to date, none of the major federal proposals to lower drug prices have been enacted, and state legislation, such as the California Preserving Access to Affordable Drugs Act, is under legal challenge...
5 months ago
Antonija Hanžek,
Antonija Hanžek
Christian Siatka,
Christian Siatka
Anne-Cécile E. Duc
Anne-Cécile E. Duc
Urine human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) is a promising, non-invasive tumor marker for ovarian cancer (OC), offering advantages in early detection and monitoring. Studies show urine HE4 concentrations are higher than serum levels, with comparable sensitivity and specificity for detecting OC. It can aid in the differential diagnosis, monitor chemotherapy response, and track disease recurrence. Howeve...
5 months ago
Valdas Banys,
Valdas Banys
Institution: Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Goda Aleknavičiūtė-Valienė
Goda Aleknavičiūtė-Valienė
Institution: Center of Laboratory Medicine,Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania
Hepatic cirrhosis is a major health problem across the world, causing high morbidity and mortality. This disease has many etiologies, yet the result of chronic hepatic injury is hepatic fibrosis causing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, as the liver’s architecture is progressively destroyed. While liver biopsy is currently the gold standard for fibrosis staging, it has significant disadvan...
5 months ago
Bernhard Strasser,
Bernhard Strasser
Institution: Kepler University Hospital Linz, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Linz, Austria
Sebastian Strasser,
Sebastian Strasser
Institution: Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Josef Tomasits
Josef Tomasits
Institution: Kepler University Hospital Linz, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Linz, Austria
Creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) are first-line laboratory parameters in the diagnosis of various renal diseases. In recent decades, cystatin C (cysC) has furthered the laboratory repertoire regarding renal status assessment and has been implemented in many clinical guidelines. Accordingly, with the establishment of cysC as a renal routine biomarker, further opportunities...
5 months ago
Murat Can,
Murat Can
Berrak Guven,
Berrak Guven
Ismail Benice
Ismail Benice
Blood samples having inappropriate volume are a substantial part of preanalytical errors. Inadequate sample volume for glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test may be a common problem of patients with diabetes mellitus having vascular changes. In this study, we compared HbA1c concentrations of underfilled and appropriately filled blood collection tubes.
Materials and methods
To compare Hb...
5 months ago
Joseph Watine
Joseph Watine
Institution: Laboratoire de biologie polyvalente, Hôpital général, Villefranche-de-Rouergue, France
In the August 2020 issue of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Giuseppe Lippi and Mario Plebani proposed a definition of laboratory medicine, which ends with this sentence: “The results of these measurements are translated into actionable information for improving the care and/or maintaining the wellness of both a single individual and an entire population”. Nevertheless, the selfishn...
5 months ago
Mariangela Palladino
Mariangela Palladino
Institution: Emergency Department, Umberto I University Hospital, Rome, Italy
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic represents a scientific and social crisis. One of the main unmet needs for coronavirus disease 2019 is its unpredictable clinical course, which can rapidly change in an irreversible outcome. COVID-19 patients can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe. Several haematological parameters, such as platelets, white blood cell total count, lymphocytes...
5 months ago
Tamara Janković,
Tamara Janković
Miroslava Janković
Miroslava Janković
• Biological fluids contain nano-sized particles called extracellular vesicles
• Extracellular vesicles properties reflect the physiological and pathological state of the parent cells
• Extracellular vesicles as analytes are suitable for use in liquid biopsy-based real-time diagnostics
• Glycans, complex oligosaccharides, are distinct components of extracellular vesicles mem...
5 months ago