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Newton sitting under an apple tree, with an apple falling

Newton Revisited

Explore Isaac Newton's groundbreaking contributions to science, including his laws of motion and universal gravitation. Understand the intellectual influences of his time and the evolution of his ideas, from Galileo and Kepler to Einstein's theory of relativity

Rnfinity| 26-03-2025

Assembly Theory Evolution compressed

Controversial theory unpacked

Rnfinity| 11-05-2024

Quantum Mechanics for Beginners

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Rnfinity| 04-03-2023

The 2022 Physics Nobel Prize - Spooky Action at a Distance prevails over classical physics and Einstein's objections.

Bell's inequality violated in favour of quantum mechanics. Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger awarded

Rnfinity| 20-02-2023
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What distinguishes Science from Non-Science

The scientific Method

Rnfinity| 22-01-2023

Clinical or statistical significance. Why not both?

Planning for a successful clinical trial.

Rnfinity| 17-01-2023