Rnfinity are promoting a new model of publication which aims to reimburse the author for the work from a proportion of the advertising revenue that is attributable to the work. This is calculated from the view count of the work. Registering with us will allow you to submit articles and eBooks, comment and review other articles and receive the latest news and offers and start earning money from your articles. Registration can be withdrawn at any time by emailing info@rnfinity.com.
This is in response to recent trends in academic publishing which has seen may journals including, high impact factor journal raise high publication fees from the authors. We believe that this is detrimental to the academic process as it may present barriers to publishing research for some and poses a danger of pushing academia into vanity press, where the publisher is unable to derive value from the work from the readers because of the growth in open access publishing. We absolutely love and support open access publishing as we believe that knowledge should be widely disseminated for the benefit of everyone, but believe that the authors, not just the publishers should be the financial beneficiaries of there work and should never have to pay to publish their work. After all what is more valuable than new knowledge.
We promote the open access publication and dissemination of academic research across a range of disciplines, which does so, not only without publication fees for authors, but with the generation of royalties for authors through article viewership. We believe in open article review by multiple peers and the public, and that the worth of an article is appreciated over time by its referencing by other academic articles, and its viewership.
We aim to eventually develop our own peer review system and to raise income for charitable causes and generate grants for research.
Your name, username, password institution and email. For security you can provide up to 3 emails. Your log on email will need to be validated by clicking on the link sent to your email address. This can be different from your author email which will be publicly viewable if you publish an article. A third email is the PayPal email, which is optional, and if you want to receive monetization for your articles. If you comment on another article, you can do so anonymously if you like as only your username will be displayed.
We accept academic work from all subject and eBooks from all genres, provided it is in the English language. For academic work we accept preprints or preliminary reports that have not undergone peer review. You can also republish work that has already been published elsewhere, and still earn money from your article, provided that you still own the copyright, and it has not been transferred to the publisher in a previous agreement. If it has been published already that we will ascribe the previous DOI and link to the original publication. If it is a preprint, then we can generate an original DOI for the article.
Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.
Your article or eBook can be published under a range of licenses. The author will always retain copyright. The license options are form the creative common licenses or no reuse/ readaptation without permission or be placed in the public domain.
You can choose for the work to be monetized or not. If you do then a proportion of advertising revenue will be paid as a commission via PayPal. If there are several authors then only one author the submitting author can claim monetization, but you will have to have an agreement with your fellow authors how this commission is distributed amongst fellow authors.
Rnfinity is an open access academic pre-print server across multiple academic specialities.
Registering will allow you to submit articles and rate and comment on other articles.
The registration form is accessible from the login link in the header. Click on "Is It Your First Time? Create A New Account." Some fields are compulsory: name, surname, email address, username, monetisation, and password. The social media links are optional. If you would like monetization by PayPal payout, then you will need to include your PayPal email. If you would like monetization by bank transfer, you will need to fill out your bank IBAN as well as your banking address.
Revenue is generated by website advertisements, and a proportion is returned to the authors. The amount is based on the proportion of views that their article received divided by all article views within a calendar month. There is a three-month delay between the calculated month and the payout for that month.
1) Register for the website
2) Log in to the website
3) Click submit
4) As submitting author, you are automatically counted as an author
5) Add authors
6) Add Title and abstract
7) Select copyright attributes
8) Upload the whole article Word file
9) Convert to PDF and submit
10) Await article approvals.
No, this is optional but provides another way of getting your message across to a wider audience.
It depends on the journal, but in almost all cases no. Traditional publishers are recognizing the importance of pre-print servers in disseminating information and promoting article visibility and citations. Articles published on a pre-print service are more widely viewed and tend to receive a higher number of citations.
The article is checked for its scientific content and originality and verified to ensure it does not contain anything that could be deemed offensive, inflammatory, or illegal.
The process depends on specific guidelines set by Rnfinity. Authors will receive instructions regarding claiming their revenue based on their article’s performance.