Planet earth is on the sick bed


Never has the earth been so unhealthy

RNfinity | 26-10-2023

2023 saw an unprecedented acceleration in climate change. A recent article published in the journal Bioscience has documented an alarming deterioration in many indicators of climate change. Planet earth’s vital signs have never been so critical. 2023 saw record average surface temperature and sea temperatures. Global Antarctic Sea ice reach its lowest ever levels of extent. Fossil fuel usage remains high globally and a transition to renewable fuels which was anticipated post Covid 19 pandemic has failed to materialise.

The three most important greenhouse gases Co2 Nitrous oxide and methane are all at record level within the atmosphere in 2023. There were a record number of extreme weather events throughout the world. The current situation risks precipitated a cycle of climate events that accelerate changes.

A larger proportion of the world face food insecurity and malnourishment

The rapid rate of change has surprised many scientists, as previous predictions have been surpassed. We may be on the precipice of global catastrophe. More need to be done and sooner to arrest the climate change process. Policy makers still struggle to move away from shorter term policies which may have a stronger short term economic footing. The warning signs are certainly there.