Humanities and Arts
"Ulysses Was Born in Trieste" by Dora García explores the intersection of literature, psychoanalysis, and performance art. This narrative revolves around the enigmatic legacy of James Joyce, with particular focus on his connections to Trieste, Italo Svevo, and the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan. The article recounts a work...
2 hours ago
Humanities and Arts
Humanities and Arts
"A Literary Montage" by Peter Weibel examines the intersections of observation, experimentation, and artistic expression. Inspired by the experimental methods outlined by Claude Bernard and Émile Zola, Weibel explores how science and art share methodologies that challenge perceptions and reveal deeper truths. The essay underscores t...
2 hours ago
Humanities and Arts
In this conversation, artist Tiong Ang discusses his project "The Second Hands," developed for the 9th Bucharest Biennial 2020–21. The work is a collective enterprise under the name Tiong Ang & Company, involving a core team of approximately 15 people, with expansions including dancers and extras for certain parts. "The Second Hand...
2 hours ago
Humanities and Arts
Humanities and Arts
"Speculation and Counter-Speculation" by Joshua Simon, published in MaHKUscript. Journal of Fine Art Research in 2019, examines how financial speculation and disruption have become defining traits in contemporary artistic and political imagination. Simon discusses the shift from value to price, labor to debt, and revolution to dis...
2 hours ago
Social Science
Humanities and Arts
author list
Humanities and Arts
author list,
Birgit Capelle
Birgit Capelle
Institution: University of Bonn; North American Studies Program; Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies;
Humanities and Arts
author list,
Dhaneshwar Shah
Dhaneshwar Shah
Institution: School of Art and Design, Wuhan University of Technology,
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