Task-Based Language Teaching by Daniel O. Jackson is part of the Cambridge Elements series published by Cambridge University Press in 2022. This book adopts a cognitive-interactionist stance on language learning, and serves as a guide to task-based language teaching (TBLT) for language instructors, teacher educators, and other interested parties. In response to a lack of practical guidance, Jackson, currently a professor at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan, seeks to broaden TBLT’s accessibility to more teachers. Therefore, the book orients readers to main concepts and issues in TBLT, serving as a reference for practitioners aspiring to provide opportunities for meaningful and engaging communication conducive to acquiring a target language through comprehensible input, feedback, and modified output.
Key Questions About Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
What is Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)?
TBLT is an approach to language teaching that focuses on using authentic, meaningful tasks to promote language learning. It aims to transform classrooms into spaces full of rich, elaborated input and collaborative interaction. What are the main components of a TBLT curriculum?
The TBLT curriculum consists of six stages: needs analysis, task selection and sequencing, materials development, teaching, assessment, and evaluation. How does TBLT differ from traditional language teaching approaches?
TBLT is analytic with a focus on form, whereas traditional approaches are synthetic with a focus on forms. TBLT emphasizes meaningful communication and task completion rather than explicit grammar instruction. What types of tasks are used in TBLT?
TBLT employs various task types, including jigsaw, information gap, problem-solving, decision-making, and opinion exchange tasks. These are designed to promote interaction and language use in meaningful contexts. Is TBLT effective across different educational contexts?
Yes, the book presents examples of TBLT implementation in diverse geographical locations and educational settings, demonstrating its adaptability to various contexts, learner demographics, and target languages. This book review highlights the comprehensive nature of Jackson's work on TBLT, providing a concise guide for language instructors, teacher educators, and researchers. It covers key concepts, curriculum development, research findings, and practical applications of TBLT across various educational contexts.