Physics Maths Engineering

Social distancing using IoT approach

  Peer Reviewed


AbstractIn the coronavirus outbreak pandemic by COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been issuing several guidelines through all government agencies. In line with those guidelines, social distancing in the population has been a major prevention practice, compelled by all government agencies worldwide. Despite strong recommendations to maintain at least one-and-a-half-meter distance between the persons, the guideline is not scrupulously followed. To overcome this situation, an IoT-based technical solution is proposed through this paper. PIR sensor is used for the detection of a target in the vicinity (1.5 m). Upon violation of social distancing norms, the system will trigger an audio alarm after the detection of the target object. The research paper model is prepared by considering the needs of the people. Many researchers are focusing on tracking affected persons, but few are focusing on the social distancing preventive. The suggested portable device will always notify the person who is violating the norm of 1.5 m. The proposed device will minimize the possibility of transmission and reduce the infection rate of COVID-19. The device uses a PIR sensor depending upon the applicability area of the human being.