
Predictability: A new distinguishing feature of cancer?

  Peer Reviewed


Cancer is a consequence of stochastic (mutations, genetic, and epigenetic instabilities) and deterministic (evolutionary bottlenecks) events. Stochastic events are less amenable to prediction, whereas deterministic events yield more predictable results. The relative contribution of these opposing forces determines cancer predictability, which affects the accuracy of our prognostic predictions and is critical for treatment planning. In this study, we attempted to quantify predictability. The predictability index (PI) was defined as the median overall-survival at any time point divided by the standard error at that time. Using data obtained from the SEER program, we found striking differences in the PI of different tumors. Highly predictable tumors were malignancies of the breast, thyroid, prostate, and testis (5-year PI of 3516, 1920, 1919, and 1805, respectively). Less predictable tumors were colorectal, melanoma, and bladder (5-year PI of 1264, 1197, and 760, respectively). Least predictable were pancreatic cancer and chronic myelogenous leukemia (5-year PI of 129, and 42). PI decreased during follow-up in all examined tumors and showed sex differences in some cases. Thyroid cancer was significantly more predictable in women (5-year PI of 2579 vs. 748, p = 0.00017) and bladder cancer more predictable in men (5-year PI of 723 vs. 385, p = 0.012), Predictability is a potentially new distinguishing feature of malignancy. This study sheds light on prognostic accuracy and provides insight into the relative roles of stochastic and deterministic forces during carcinogenesis.

Key Questions

1. What is the Predictability Index (PI) introduced in the study?

The Predictability Index (PI) is defined as the median overall survival at any time point divided by the standard error at that time. It serves as a quantitative measure to assess the predictability of different cancer types.

2. Which cancers were found to be the most predictable?

The study found that breast, thyroid, prostate, and testicular cancers exhibited the highest predictability, with 5-year PIs of 3,516, 1,920, 1,919, and 1,805, respectively.

3. Which cancers were identified as the least predictable?

Pancreatic cancer and chronic myelogenous leukemia were identified as the least predictable, with 5-year PIs of 129 and 42, respectively.

4. How did predictability change over time during the follow-up period?

The Predictability Index decreased during follow-up in all examined tumors, indicating that predictability diminishes over time for all cancer types studied.

5. Were there any notable sex differences in cancer predictability?

Yes, the study observed significant sex differences in certain cancers. For instance, thyroid cancer was significantly more predictable in women (5-year PI of 2,579) compared to men (5-year PI of 748). Conversely, bladder cancer was more predictable in men (5-year PI of 723) than in women (5-year PI of 385).


Gofrit and Aviv's study introduces the Predictability Index (PI) as a novel metric to quantify the predictability of various cancers, reflecting the balance between deterministic and stochastic factors in carcinogenesis. The findings reveal significant variations in predictability among different cancer types and between sexes, with some cancers exhibiting high predictability and others showing considerable unpredictability. These insights have important implications for prognostic assessments and treatment planning, highlighting the need to consider the inherent predictability of each cancer type.