This paper investigates the intriguing potential of integrating Vedic Computing—a system of computing principles originating from ancient Indian texts—into the realm of quantum computing. While quantum computing offers unprecedented computational capabilities, leveraging ancient vedic wisdom could pave the way for enhanced efficiency and novel solutions.Through a comprehensive explorat...
Posted 1 week ago
This article, titled "Reflection: Affect and Interdisciplinarity - Got Rhythm?" by Fraser Riddell, explores the intersection of affect theory, interdisciplinary research, and embodied practices in the context of literary studies and medical humanities. The author reflects on his experience organizing a Dalcroze Eurythmics workshop as part of an interdisciplinary symposium on "R...
Posted 1 week ago
Erickson, a New York City high school student, and I were working on his algebra homework over Zoom, specifically parabolas. We broke down the motion of a basketball and compared it to a parabola. He happened to have a small hoop on the back of his door and when he tried the motion himself, it was clear something clicked. You see, Erickson is a kinesthetic learner. During the pandemic, it...
Posted 1 week ago
The way in which validity has been conceptualized has changed throughout the years. The focus in validation studies shifted from evaluating distinct components of validity to developing a comprehensive argument for the use and interpretations of test scores. The argument-based approach to validity incorporates the distinct types of the componential approach, underscores Messick’s attenti...
Posted 1 week ago
This paper reports on preliminary steps to create an external plagiarism detection tool. I used the PAN-PC-11 data sets and extracted tf-idf scores of text documents and cosine similarity measures between source and suspicious documents to find text overlap. The model was able to successfully create vectors and measure the similarity metrics. However, the algorithm was not extended further...
Posted 1 week ago
Identifying changing patterns of stability and variability is crucial when examining second language development (SLD) from a complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) perspective (Larsen-Freeman, 2020). By studying attractor states, or recurrent patterns of stability, light can be shed on the underlying dynamics of a complex dynamic system (van Geert & Verspoor, 2015). In the context of SLD, ...
Posted 1 week ago
The multilingual turn in second language acquisition (SLA) research signals an epistemic reorientation of the field (Ortega, 2014). It manifests the move away from the monolingual bias that measures learner language with the idealized competence of native speakers as the yardstick. In so doing, the focus has shifted to disentangling the cognitive, linguistic, and psycholinguistic mechanism...
Posted 1 week ago
Second language development can be viewed as a complex and dynamic process in which learners follow non-linear trajectories and develop their language over a period of time (Larsen-Freeman, 2006). Intrinsic to the view of Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST), a system is composed of hierarchical, interdependent subcomponents (learner, learner language, and environment) in dynamic relation...
Posted 1 week ago
Nearly overnight, we found ourselves adapting to a new normal: constantly worrying about loved ones, balancing life-at-home, and teaching and learning in “Brady Bunch” boxes. At first, I must admit, it was alarming. We all thought it: If cameras and videos are off, are the students even there? And more importantly, are students learning? ...
Posted 1 week ago
This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about one of our students who has disclosed to my CT (Cooperating Teacher) that she has been living on her own for the past two semesters and works full time to support herself. Due to her work schedule, she goes through periods of time when she is unable to attend classes, and other periods of time when she can. She asked my CT to reach out to her oth...
Posted 1 week ago