Physics Maths Engineering

Mean-ETL Optimization in HorseRace Competition

  Peer Reviewed


This article explores the application of a new portfolio optimization approach called Mean-ETL (Mean-Expected Tail Loss). This method combines traditional mean return and the risk measure of expected tail loss to create more balanced portfolios that account for both returns and risks, particularly in the context of financial markets. The study demonstrates the practical implementation of Mean-ETL by applying it to the Horse Race competition, where different portfolios are constructed using three fundamental variables (CTEF, MQ, and REG10) and three distinct stock universes (GL, XUS, and EM). The competition offers a unique opportunity to assess how the Mean-ETL method performs in real-world scenarios, comparing it with other portfolio construction strategies. The article presents the results of the nine portfolios constructed for the competition, showing their performance across various metrics. The analysis provides insights into how Mean-ETL can improve portfolio construction by balancing risk and return, and offers valuable lessons for both financial analysts and investors looking to optimize their portfolio strategies in complex market conditions. The study concludes with suggestions for further improvements and applications of the approach.

Key Questions about 'Mean-ETL Optimization in HorseRace Competition'

1. What is the Mean-ETL optimization approach?

The study introduces the Mean-ETL (Mean-Expected Tail Loss) optimization method, which combines the mean return and expected tail loss to construct portfolios that balance return and risk. Source

2. How were the portfolios constructed for the HorseRace competition?

Nine portfolios were created by applying the Mean-ETL optimization approach, utilizing three fundamental variables (CTEF, MQ, and REG10) and three stock universes (GL, XUS, and EM). Each fundamental variable was applied to one of the stock universes to assess performance. Source

3. What were the results of the portfolios in the competition?

The article presents the performance outcomes of the nine portfolios, evaluating their effectiveness in the HorseRace competition and providing insights into the practical application of the Mean-ETL optimization approach. Source