
Epidermal Differentiation Genes of the Common Wall Lizard Encode Proteins with Extremely Biased Amino Acid Contents


The epidermal differentiation complex (EDC) is a cluster of genes that code for protein components of cornified cells on the skin surface of amniotes. Squamates are the most species-rich clade of reptiles with skin adaptations to many different environments. As the genetic regulation of the skin epidermis and its evolution has been characterized for only a few species so far, we aimed to determine the organization of the EDC in a model species of squamates, the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). By comparative genomics, we identified EDC genes of the wall lizard and compared them with homologs in other amniotes. We found that the EDC of the wall lizard has undergone a major rearrangement leading to a unique order of three ancestral EDC segments. Several subfamilies of EDC genes, such as those encoding epidermal differentiation proteins containing PCCC motifs (EDPCCC) and loricrins, have expanded by gene duplications. Most of the EDPCCC proteins have cysteine contents higher than 50%, whereas glycine constitutes more than 50% of the amino acid residues of loricrin 1. The extremely biased amino acid compositions indicate unique structural properties of these EDC proteins. This study demonstrates that cornification proteins of the common wall lizard differ from homologous proteins of other reptiles, illustrating the evolutionary dynamics of diversifying evolution in squamates.