Humanities and Arts

Attractor States in Second Language Development

  Peer Reviewed


Identifying changing patterns of stability and variability is crucial when examining second language development (SLD) from a complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) perspective (Larsen-Freeman, 2020). By studying attractor states, or recurrent patterns of stability, light can be shed on the underlying dynamics of a complex dynamic system (van Geert & Verspoor, 2015). In the context of SLD, attractor states can be observed in individuals’ linguistic behaviors, as well as learners’ interactions with others (Hiver, 2014; van Geert & Verspoor, 2015). As such, attractor states have been cited in recent SLD literature (e.g., Amerstorfer, 2020; Evans & Larsen-Freeman, 2020; Syed et al., 2021; Gillies & Roger, 2022). The conceptual unpacking of attractor states can therefore be invaluable for SLD scholars seeking to enter the realm of CDST. Accordingly, serving as a stepping stone for those looking to foray into the CDST paradigm, this forum piece offers a definition of attractor state, identifies and describes different types of attractor states, clarifies some possible misconceptions about attractor states, and provides a few examples of attractor states in SLD.

Key Questions about Attractor States in Second Language Development

What are attractor states in the context of second language development?

Attractor states refer to recurrent patterns of stability in a dynamic system. In second language development (SLD), these states manifest as consistent linguistic behaviors and interactions among learners, reflecting underlying dynamics of language acquisition.

How do attractor states influence second language development?

Attractor states influence SLD by providing stable patterns that guide learners' linguistic behaviors and interactions. Recognizing these patterns helps in understanding the complexities of language acquisition and the factors that contribute to stability and variability in language learning.

What types of attractor states are identified in second language development?

The article identifies various types of attractor states, including those observed in individuals' linguistic behaviors and their interactions with others. These states are crucial for understanding the dynamic nature of language learning and the factors that contribute to stability and change in language development.

What misconceptions about attractor states are clarified in the article?

The article clarifies misconceptions by providing a detailed definition of attractor states, describing different types, and offering examples within the context of SLD. This comprehensive approach aids in a better understanding of the concept and its application in language development studies.

How can the concept of attractor states be applied to second language development research?

Applying the concept of attractor states to SLD research involves examining patterns of stability and variability in learners' linguistic behaviors and interactions. This approach provides insights into the dynamic processes of language acquisition and the factors that influence language development.

By addressing these questions, the article offers valuable insights into the role of attractor states in second language development, contributing to a deeper understanding of the dynamic processes involved in language learning.